How to implement correct REST API & RESTful Web Services?

22nd March 2016

It is always easy to assume that you've understood something before someone showed you the correct solution. When I tried to follow someone's tutorial on how to create REST APIs using node.js and express.js, I found out I didn't get REST APIs completely right. I have also found out a few more things on the side, which I will also be sharing in this blog.

The trend of 'clever' software

21st March 2016

There are plenty of companies researching into Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. Products such as Google Now, Siri and Cortana are all examples of combinations these. Apart from these big players, the trend is moving toward "vague" software usages, where the user specify something without being very exact. From these non-deterministic instructions, the software will be able to understand and execute and product the correct results. The following are just two examples I came across recently, both are pretty cool.

How to create models in Mongoose

18th March 2016

Started working on a existing project built using MEAN.IO, and Mongoose framework was used as well. I found its documentation a little confusing, so here's what I found out after doing some research.

How to make Zsh shell look nice on Mac Terminal

16th March 2016

I have already blogged about bash alternatives, Fish shell and Zsh in my previous blog here. I have only started using Zsh recently due to recommendations from a colleague, so thought I'd give it a try. This blog is mainly focusing on how to make Zsh look nice, so no tutorial on installing it.

Why testing isn't enough

10th March 2016

A lot of people talks about the benefits of Test-Driven Development, how great it is when you compare it with non-test driven development. People would give a massive list of advantages of using TDD. For me these are the core reasons:

Mobile and hybrid app testing tool -

9th March 2016

Came across this free app testing tool today, currently not much use for me as I mainly work on web related projects. But hopefully will be working on mobile projects in the future and this will be very useful. Just want to mention that this is a automation test framework from what I have seen so far, so not meant to be used to do manual testing.

Other shell alternatives to Bash

18th January 2016

Came across something called Fish Shell today, and after Google search took me to this page on unix-shells I realised how many different variation there are I can choose from. Each having their benefits, so far it seems ZSH has very good customisability and Fish Shell has very good out of the box experience with no configurations.

A useful tool when working with Regular Expression

3rd January 2016

I was working with replacing strings using Regular Expression today and I found this amazing tools which saved me a lot of trouble. It allow custom text string to perform the regular expression on, and you can toggle between 3 different regular expression syntaxes: PHP, JavaScript and Python. There are also useful tips on the right hand side as well as a regex syntax look up table. Overall, a very handy free tool.