Simplify SSH connectivity with a config file

Managing a large number of servers can be annoying, but a config file will make it much easier. Here I talk about how a config file can make all the difference.

Creating a config file

In order to SSH into a server, the IP address is required and needs to be specified in the terminal command.

$ SSH user@

The above format is okay if you are only working on a single server, if you have to work with many servers, then managing all the IP address can quickly get out of hand. The beauty of a config file is that it allows you to map an IP address to your domain name. After the mapping, you can just do the following.


If you don't have this file already, then create it first.

touch ~/.ssh/config

Then copy the following template into the file, don't forget to update the relevant values (e.g. domain, IP and user).

User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
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